Call For Paper

Case Report Guideline

Case Report Guideline


  1. The manuscript is typed with the MS Word program with Times New Roman letters 12, spaced 1. Page length 7-15 pages on A4 size HVS paper,with Rightand Left edgerespectively: 3cm, Upper edge: 6 cm, and Bottom edge: 4 cm
  2. Pictures or tables are required in the form of jpeg
  3. Titles, Author and Abstract writing in one column, while the contents of the text are written in two columns.
  4. The accompanying manuscripts and illustrations are the publisher's legal property and are not allowed to be published in other publications other than the publisher's permission. Manuscripts can be edited by editors if needed without changing the meaning of the contents.

Systematic Writing of Case Reports

1.   Case report manuscripts are presented in systematic manner as follows:

(a) Title

(b) Abstract

(c) Introduction

(d) Cases and case management

(e) Discussion (and conclusions in the end of paragraph)

(f) Refference

2.   Title:

(a)    In English with Arial letters 17.5, spaced 1, and bold.

(b)    Must describe the contents of the writing in a concise and clear manner.

(c)    Include 10-15 words (no more than 15 words).

3.    AUTHOR:

(a)    The author's name (without title) is written in Arial with a size of 10, and bold (last name, front name).

Example: Prananingrum Widyasri*, Damaiyanti D W**, Pargaputri A F*

(b)    The name of the institution is written in the letters Arial size 10.

Example: *Department of Biomedic, Dentistry Faculty, Universitas Hang Tuah Surabaya, Indonesia

**Department of Dental Material, Dentistry Faculty, Universitas Hang Tuah Surabaya, Indonesia

4.     ABSTRACT (Arial 10 and bold):

1.      Written in English Not more than 250 words.

2.      Using the letters Arial size 10 in one paragraph, spaced 1.

3.      Contains the essence of all writing consisting of:

Background, Objective, Case, Case Management, Conclucion.

4.      Include 3-5 keywords and correspondence containing names, institutions, addresses, telephone numbers, and faxes and e-mail using Arial 10 letters.

5.   CONTENT (Using the Arial letter size 11, space 1):

(a)    Introduction includes background, problem formulation and writing objectives.

(b)    The case is an explanation of the case which includes anamnesis, clinical examination both extra oral and intra oral, investigation, and diagnosis.

(c)    Case management clearly explains the management procedures performed on the patient.

(d)    Discussion is a summary of information obtained in the case and possible development for the same field. The conclusion is written at the end of the text to sharpen the intent and purpose of the case review.

(e)    Acknowledgement written if indeed there are parties who have helped in the activities carried out, then thank you can be conveyed here placed at the end of the text before the reference.


Using the Arial letter size 10, space 1

(a)    The bibliography contains information about the source of the library that has been referred to in the body of the writing.

(b)    For each library referred to in the text, it must appear in the bibliography, and vice versa, every library that appears in the bibliography must have been referred to in the body of the text.

(c)    Format of reference library in manuscripts arranged according to numbers in sequence from the first name out in the refference, following the Vancouver method.

(d)    Examples of Vancouver literature writing are:

1.      Bills  DA, Handelman CS, Be Gole EA. Bimaxillary dentoalveolar protrusion: Traits and Orthodontics correction. Angle Orthod Journal. 2005;75(1): 339-333.

2.      Newman MG, Takei HH, Klokkevoid PR, Carranza FA.Clinical Periodontology, 10th edition. St Louis: Saunders; 2006. p. 241-245.

3.      Agustin P. Pengaruh Pemberian Nanokristal Kuersetin terhadap Gagal Ginjal Akut yang Diinduksi dengan Gentamisin [skripsi]. Padang: Fakultas Farmasi Universitas Andalas; 2017. 

4.      Bayu A. Hutan Mangrove Sebagai Salah Satu Sumber Produk Alam Laut. Oseana. 2009; 34(2): 23-15. Available from: Diakses 13 Juni 2012.

5.      Pullen LC. Antibiotic Resistance Continues to be a Problem in Children [Internet]. Medscape. 2017 [cited 29 December 2017]. Available from:

7.   The author is responsible for the contents of the manuscript along with data, opinions, and statements in it. Publishers, Editorial Boards and Staff of Dentisphere 5th are not responsible for errors in the contents of the question including data, opinions and statements in it.